Plot Synopsis
The Biblical saga of Joseph and his coat of many colors comes to vibrant life in this delightful musical parable. Joseph, his father's favorite son, is a boy blessed with prophetic dreams. When he is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt, Joseph endures a series of adventures in which his spirit and humanity are continually challenged. He is purchased by Potiphar where thwarting advances from Potiphar's wife lands him in jail. When news of Joseph's gift to interpret dreams reaches the Pharaoh (wryly and riotously depicted as Elvis), Joseph is well on his way to becoming second in command. Eventually his brothers, having suffered greatly, unknowingly find themselves groveling at the feet of the brother they betrayed but no longer recognize. After testing their integrity, Joseph reveals himself leading to a heartfelt reconciliation of the sons of Israel. Set to an engaging cornucopia of musical styles, from country-western and calypso to bubble-gum pop and rock 'n' roll, this Old Testament tale emerges both timely and timeless.
Audition Information
Character Descriptions
Rehearsal Schedule
After you sign up you will receive an e-mail with the link to prepare for the audition.
Thank you!
It is the policy of the CenterStage Clovis Community Theater to cast regardless of color, race or disability. The director will cast the best choice for each role after everyone has had the opportunity to audition. Invitation to an audition by the director does not guarantee that you will be cast. CenterStage Clovis Community Theater does not pre-cast roles unless explicitly stated in the publicity notices. Occasionally, the cast might be expanded to accommodate a large turnout of performers. If the director believes that a particular role cannot be cast satisfactorily after auditions have been held, other actors may be contacted.
Centerstage knows how you feel when you walk into a room full of eligible people who are trying out for the same part you are. Especially if it is your first time! We want you to feel comfortable at auditions and we strive to make it a positive experience for everyone. We are your normal, everyday individuals looking to have a great time with fellow cast and crew members. Our goal is to put on a wonderful show for the audience.
We love to see brand new faces as well as familiar ones. If you have other questions, you are welcome to contact us by emailing A stage manger or board member will contact you.
Here are a few hints and facts about auditions and rehearsals.
Who may audition?
Anyone may audition, depending on the age groups required for the selected play. Some people come to auditions who are long time community theater actors. Some have never been on stage before. No experience is necessary for tryouts.
When are the auditions?
Auditions are usually on Saturday and Tuesday nights but may be held at other times at the discretion of the director. Call back dates, if held, vary depending on the director of the play. Centerstage Clovis auditions for one show at a time. The auditions are posted in local area media, community web calendars, and on the Centerstage Clovis web site. You can sign up on the Centerstage web site to receive email notifications of upcoming auditions.
Do I have to prepare for auditions?
No, you don’t have to prepare for auditions unless the show is a musical. For musicals, you may be asked to bring your own piece of prepared music. An accompanist will be provided for you if you plan to use sheet music. Centerstage Clovis does not make scripts available prior to auditions. Information regarding character information and a synopsis of the show will be posted on the Centerstage Clovis website. Looking at this before auditions will give you an idea of what parts are available for you. Please be advised that stage productions of movies or books familiar to you might have differences in cast and content.
What happens after the audition?
After auditions are completed, the director will take a few days to make his/her decision. A cast list is posted on the Centerstage Clovis website and Facebook within a week of auditions. It is the director's choice whether to call everyone who has auditioned to speak personally with each person.
When are rehearsals?
At auditions, the director may hand out a copy of a rehearsal schedule. Some directors wait to finalize the rehearsal schedule until after the cast has been chosen. Schedules are subject to change. Most shows rehearse at least 4 days a week. The days depend on the individual director’s and cast's schedules. Some rehearsals may be on the weekends. Rehearsals may be added as it gets closer to the show date. The average rehearsal time is six weeks before the show opens. Musicals have a longer rehearsal time.
How long do daily rehearsals last?
Rehearsal times vary depending on the director. Most rehearsals will run 2 -4 hours. Starting times vary. Shows with children in the cast usually start earlier in the evening than those made up of adults. Starting times are usually 6:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.
COVID Protocols?
CenterStage Clovis adheres to all state and CDC regulations for COVID. All are invited to audition. CenterStage Clovis asks that those auditioning self attest to vaccination status. Those unvaccinated must follow state and CDC guidelines regarding mask wearing and social distancing.